Buckeye Potato Chips

Buckeye Potato Chips packaging, 1966 |
"Buckeye Potato Chips,
Buckeye Potato Chips,
Get 'em at your grocer today!!!"
Wendy's Old-Fashioned Hamburgers

Wendy's logo |
Wendy's founder, Dave Thomas, first worked for KFC's Colonel Sanders -- and later, moved-on to the Columbus-area
BBF hamburger chain.
Eventually, Dave found his own success at Wendy's -- which sponsored the later years of Luci's Toyshop.
Luci's Little-Shops

Luci doll illustration, circa 1968 |
Luci's Little-Shops sponsored Luci's Toyshop during the final few years of the show's broadcast. These
stores sold primarily, toy versions of the puppet and doll characters that appeared on the TV show.
Our 21st century sensibilities probably make it difficult to accept that Luci Gasaway starred
on the show, owned the puppet-making company, and also owned these shops which sold the products.
Profit, profit, profit . . .
Modern-day standards make all that seem extremely and overtly commercial -- unacceptable for today's
children's TV. However, starting in television's earliest days, and up until the 1970s, local kid's TV was
always overtly commercial, and expected to make a huge profit. Additionally, everything must be put into its context
-- so, in the context of the late 1960s, all this was considered acceptable, and not particularly unusual for a
local kid's TV franchise.
BBF -- Burger-Boy Food-a-Rama

BBF advertising art, mid-1960s |
"Everybody's goin' to the BBF,
Takin' their appetites,
Now, everybody's goin' to the BBF,
At the whirling satellite,
So, if you've tried the rest,
And now you want the very best.
Just go, go, go to the BBF,
That's Burger-Boy Food-a-Rama,
Now, everybody's goin' to the BBF --
Lazarus Department Store

Lazarus - downtown Columbus, Ohio - circa 1967 |
Columbus department store, Lazarus, was a long-time sponsor of Luci's Toyshop -- especially each year, during
the Christmas season.
Does anyone remember Santa's toy machine, and the toys it produced? All those Santa segments
were sponsored by Lazarus' toy department.
The downtown Columbus Lazarus store closed in 2004, and all remaining Lazarus stores throughout
the region, have been re-named, Macy's.
Although long-known as a New York City shopping destination, Macy's world-headquarters (Federated Department
Stores) is actually located in Cincinnati, Ohio -- just one hundred miles south of Columbus.