GONG!!! -- Luci and Chan-10 |
Luci with Lamb -- "I think you're WONDERFUL!!" |
Dragon is mad -- and BIG! So, Luci suggests a dance -- to settle him down |
Horace the Horse, Luci, and Dragon |
Lamb and Luci -- Several Sheram puppets on the bottom shelf -- even a sleepy Dragon puppet |
Stanley Mouse and Chan-10 |
George Giraffe and Walrus |
Happy birthday to you -- Ka-Boing!!! |
Luci and Walrus -- ready to do the Pledge |
Luci and Horace the Horse at the Castle |
Luci and Mr. Tree -- "It's daytime, can't you see?" |
Luci and Walrus at the Castle |
(Big) Dragon , Mr. Tree, and (Big) Wonder Witch. Hmmm -- how and why did Wonder Witch grow big? |