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Tim Cook

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Broadcast Engineer . . .

Tim Cook remembers . . .
"I started working for WBNS-TV in 1966 when I returned from Milwaukee after living there for a year following my Navy enlistment. 

Luci's show was done in studio B, which was a small studio.  Chuck White played "Dragon" and "Mr. Tree" on the set, and all the hand puppets behind the fireplace set.  I think we only used two TV cameras for the show and would need to push them around covering all three sides of the studio which included the bleachers where the kids sat during the show.  Luci and all the kids would sing a song to wake up Mr. Tree, it's daytime can't you see?  I worked projection, camera and audio at different times and days.  Lester Nafzger, the chief engineer, would put out the schedules telling the engineering crew what they were doing on any specific day of the week.

I worked with Luci Gasaway during the time her husband died, and with her working the following day.  I guess she felt the show must go on. She was quite a lady.  She married again after a few years to Mr. Vanleeuwen who she met during a vacation.

Thank you for putting the Luci site together and hope others from the crew will comment in the future."

--Tim Cook

Want to learn more about working at WBNS-TV during the 1960s?  Check-out Tim Cook's personal website by clicking the link below:

Tim Cook's Webpage

The Unofficial Luci's Toyshop Homepage